If you had the following choice, notchback or Porsche 944 Turbo, what would you buy?


New Member
May 11, 2005
I want another weekend car and have narrowed it down to a notchback (5spd) or 86-89 944 Turbo. Really nice examples of both can be had for $8-10K, what I am willing to spend. I would build the Mustang to be a 400hp+ car and the 944 a 300-350hp car, otherwise, both powerful and not stock.

What would you do? The 944 is far the better handling car, both are rare, but I do like American muscle and have a bit of an issue owning a Porsche (neighbors, employees, etc)....but it's a flippin sub $10k car so who cars....you know how people car be....."Oh, did you see his Porsche"...lame....but real unfortunetely.

I am not too concern about the maintenance cost of either (maybe driven 3K miles/yr).

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Both are great cars. I love American Muscle and European sports coupes equally. But when comes down to 2 cars that are a little on in age, I say go with one that can be properly maintained with all of the correct parts. If the motor blew tomorrow and had to be replaced, which of them would be easier to fix or replace. You can find a 302 and larger anywhere. I don't know where to get a motor for an older 944 Turbo and a brand new motor from the factory will cost about $10k. Wiegh out the numbers and see which ones add up the best. If the numbers really aren't a factor, hell, go with your gut.

If it were me, Notchback easily. I just don't like those older Porsches, so that's skewing my decision.

Now if I were to have to pick between two cars I DID like, one a Notch and one an import sports car in the same price range, I'd make a list of pros and cons for myself. Having 2 Stangs is nice, but you already have one so if you want something else you may as well get it. No matter what you do you can always sell, so don't worry too much :nice:
i vote 944. i would love one of those cars, but the costs would just be way out of my leauge.

this is one of my favorite cars EVER. it has been my desktop for a year. i think its 450 rwhp:nice:



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944 is just not a great porsche in my eyes...

Not trying to be biased either, I just remember my dad racing one and blowing the doors off of it in his 1990 GT when I was younger.
A boxter is a poor mans porsche. I really like the 924. I saw a really nice black turbo version in Hawaii. We used to have a non turbo 924 and had a lot of problems with it though. I guess i'll have to take option C
srothfuss said:
944 is just not a great porsche in my eyes...

Not trying to be biased either, I just remember my dad racing one and blowing the doors off of it in his 1990 GT when I was younger.

I'm with him. It's a 944... not a 928S. It's nowhere NEAR 450 HP. It has about as much power as my old Celica with the 2.4L 4 did. hehe

Edit: That one that 94 GTs is talking about must be heavily modded.
i had a 944 although it wasnt the turbo 944, it was decently quick for a 4 cylinder....it was in mint condition too. handled very nice and was good for a daily driver that everyone would turn and look at, but no where near as fun as a mustang. parts were outrageous and the aftermarket for them isnt very large.

notch all the way
I had a 1987 N/A 944 last year. It was slow as piss but dear Lord was it fun to drive. I shifted at 7k every time..it handled well, it was comfy, and it got the ladies. The 944 Turbo is just a turbo swap, chip and exhaust away from 350whp..400 shouldn't be a problem. I'd take the 944 in a heartbeat.
I'd go 944

I'm a closet Porsche fan. I love Mustang but Porsches are #2 with me. I'd like to try out a 944 but i'd love to get a late 80's early 90's 911 someday. I love that bug-eye style.