Met the girl of my dreams today

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Ahh, BDT. You are wise beyond your years. You have realized this truth BEFORE the wedding. Well done. :nice:

Another little tidbit for you before the nuptials: Happy Wife = Happy Life. :D

EDIT: Hey, BDT. On a thread-jacking, OT, side note--what size are your BFG's on the Stang? I picked up some 15x7 Cragars for my 68, and am curious what size tires you have on yours

Thanks, "Happy Wife=Happy Life" this is a valuable statement that need not be forgotten.

Ok I dont know off the top of my head what size they are but i can run out to my storage unit and take a look at the old girl to see what size shoes she is wearing. I will check it out for you.
By the way I have a few updates for yall, but i will have to post them after work, they have a very strict internet policy at this job, and during work hours is when i did the majority of my posting.
But since I am here I might as well say some things.

We had a vicious ice storm this week, it knocked out power for a lot of people, luckily I wasn’t one of them. I have some vacation days to fill before the 16th of this month so I decided to burn one that day, I think I will burn another this Friday. Heather works as a middle school teacher, as most of you know, and they had school canceled that day. I aired up the airmattress and spent the entire day watching movies and "cuddling". BEFORE anybody ask YES blue is still the problem. Heather is already thinking of quitting as a teacher and moving to an HR rep at some company, she has put about 5 resumes out but has heard nothing. Welp gotta go I have more updates to give but I have to do some work. Heather is hanging out with her friends tonight so I will have all the time I need to give a proper update.
A corollary to the "Happy Wife = Happy Life" is Happy Girlfriend = HAPPY ME!

Work has been such a nudge lately, and my home computer is on the ME.......We've had two decent winter storms this past week, with exceptionally high tides on Sunday (12/16).......and I have only one day off between now and 12/30................:p

Yo StDr.......your misses is right.......I don't need any help getting into trouble, inuendo or no....................:doh:
Hey, we are filling out Christmas cards with engagement pics in them, everybody who has sent me an address for the wedding is getting one, If your name is not on the list with an address then you will not be receiving one, I am mailing them out tomorrow afternoon so any last min addresses will be added. PM me! :nice:
I hear ya. Sue and I are both pulling our regularly-scheduled shifts on Christmas Eve. Then she's got 1st Call for Womens' Surgery, 2nd call for Main Side; 0700-1900 on Christmas Day. Same schedule for the following week; except Sue's 2nd Call for Women's and 3rd call for Main on New Years'; which is the busiest day after Thanksgiving for emergency surgeries to remove dune buggy and "quad" parts from people parts. Plus the slight increase in GSW-related stuff both Christmas and New Years as well as the "preemie" C-sections on hungover new mom's. :rolleyes:
I'm also working the Saturday "in the middle" as well as DSL call that Sunday.
And to think I went to my son's holiday party at his school, then a holiday party at work, and then the kids go to thier Mom's on Sunday.....
Guess I'll have to have the fun for you guys!

Don't get me wrong, Sue and I plan to have tons o' fun (with and without:D) the kids in between our work schedules and horse-doctoring.
Sue's QH, Rascal (he's the one carrying atound SVTCobra306 in those pics I posted on here a year-and-a-half ago) is having troubles with his bum left front leg again. I think it's a combination of the cold, dry weather we've been having and a temporary relocation to another stall with an a-hole horse next to him. He loves to play-fight with Tink's horse across their common stall fence; sometimes rearing up and acting as though he's gonna strike at Chance. While their stalls were being scraped and refilled with fresh dune-sand, al three of our "1 HP (REAL Horsepower!) ATV's" were re-located about the stables compound. I think Rascal might have been messing with another horse (not of our string) in his temporary quarters, misjudged the distance to the fence in the strange stall; whacked his "old roping injury" and caused some inflammation around the ring bone. So Sue has been working her "Healing Touch" on the joint; I've been rubbing him down with quarts of Bigeloil (Absorbine Liniment on steroids); and gently doing ROM exercises on his leg. So, when Sue isn't nursing "new mommies"; she's nursing an old horse (and I'm helping). But we've blocked out a bunch of tomorrow for last minute Christmas shopping (all this overtime I've been working the last couple weeks was very good to our checkbook today!), and Matt and Jessie have been spending nights over at friends' houses; so..... :banana: :banana: and one more :banana:

So, Dan, do you and the so-far-not-seen rest of the picture have any Christmas plans? Hmmmmmm????? :p

I'd bet Fritz and Mary have a few items lined out; as well. :D

Oh! I'm sorry; since this is "the kids' thread" Andy should be telling us about his plans with Miss Heather, as well...... So, Andy???
StangDreamin' said:
I'd bet Fritz and Mary have a few items lined out; as well. :D
We did....until my work schedule got completely and utterly FUBAR'd! Next schedule came out today.....My next day off ISN'T 12/'s 12/31.....McScrooge, RN, DON changed my f-ing schedule AGAIN!!!:fuss:

I'm lucky at this point that Mary is still speaking with me, all I can say is she must really, really, really like me......
