Paint matching question???


New Member
Jan 13, 2004
I have a Roush but thought I would try to get some answers from the SVT guys since it is a Cobra hood. I noticed that in certain lighting and angles you can tell the paint on the hood is lighter than rest of the body. The Roush I have is Redfire. I was told that because the hood is composite and the fenders are metal as to why they don't match. Is that a load of bull or are there people out there with the same issue?
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Its a load of bull. the only factor on how your paint looks is what you have directly under the paint which of course is primer or your seal coat. I dont care what you paint on it is not going to effect the color as long as your base is the same color.
Thanks for your help guys. I will have to have a talk with my dealership. I have attached some pics. I good and a bad. The bad one was taken in a garage with the flash on. That is the worst I seen the paint not matching.


  • paint_good.JPG
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  • paint_bad.JPG
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The more I think about it, the more I realize it is bull. Or else I am the only one with a composite hood. My trunk and rear wing is composite and it matches.
What are my options to fix this? What should I do to ensure that it will match? Get this hood repainted or order a new hood from Ford? Is there warranty coverage for this?