What Hit The Pentagon?

The engines were intact....i have been to more crash sites than i care to remember and 99.99% of the time the complete turbine section stays intact being that it is titanium it almost never comes apart....on some of the newer jets the compressor sections are mostly composite and tend to burn up. The WTC crash's were a rare example were the entire motor stayed intact, and yes those pictures are real.
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yellow1995Cobra said:
About the plane that crashed near shankville.. Is it true that it just crashed? Rumor was it was shot down by a fighter jet.. It was the last plane to go down correct?

If there is any type of cover up I would say this would be it more so then anything. Even if the plane was shot down it had to be done, if the goverment does not want to say it then so be it Im sure the people on the plane were fighting for there lives either way so let them go down as hero's.
5.0_GT_kid said:
My thoughts exactly Joe.

Sad part is, no matter how much proof you show some people, they will still say it's all a conspiracy and cover up. :nonono:

thats peoples thoughts on everything. There is 1 thing that seems a little funny and thats the whole Area 51 deal. If nothing is there why all the sercurity and why can't anybody be in there. Unless its a test site but why not just tell people that
MysteryMachine said:
thats peoples thoughts on everything. There is 1 thing that seems a little funny and thats the whole Area 51 deal. If nothing is there why all the sercurity and why can't anybody be in there. Unless its a test site but why not just tell people that

Because our military uses(or was) it to develope top secret military weapons/planes etc. Things like the stealth bomber. Why would they ever want to say, yea this is the spot where we will be developing top secret weapons? Then all others countrys spy satelites ( and spy planes in the past) would be watching these areas.

We need top secret areas like area 51. Last i heard they were using a new spot, i think in cheyene(sp) mountain? Or near it...
5.0_GT_kid said:
That's a good website, gonna send that to a few friends of mine who think it was a missle or small plane.
Thanks, I did watch the link from the original poster. You'll notice that both use some of the same photos. I noticed that the original link had a photo with the fire trucks spraying foam and there is an area of the photo that is 'pixelated.':shrug: Not to mention that one of the rims from the plane and pieces of the green bulkhead are clearly visible in a couple of their photos too...
yellow1995Cobra said:
Because our military uses(or was) it to develope top secret military weapons/planes etc. Things like the stealth bomber. Why would they ever want to say, yea this is the spot where we will be developing top secret weapons? Then all others countrys spy satelites ( and spy planes in the past) would be watching these areas.

We need top secret areas like area 51. Last i heard they were using a new spot, i think in cheyene(sp) mountain? Or near it...

no area 51 is still the test area, cheyenne mountain is where norad is based, and they are now primarily in control of the Air Force Space command, and coordination of nuclear missiles should they be deployed, may it also be mentioned though that cheyenne mountain is built inside a mountain and is nuclear bomb-proof, such as mt.weather in NW virginia, where all of the executive branch would be relocated in a time of national emergency/nuclear war.
1994Vib.RedGT said:
no area 51 is still the test area, cheyenne mountain is where norad is based, and they are now primarily in control of the Air Force Space command,.

NORAD is based in Cheyenne mountain but area 51 has been moved, it may still be operational and in use but much of the program was moved to another location on the other side of the Mountian range.

actually much of groom lake is just as busy as it ever was w/ even new hangers being built but alot of the operation was moved to Spaninsh Fork in Utah, another unused area of military space. To much heat was being brought upon area 51 to have the main program to be run from just one spot.