My brother got drunk and went and ragged out my mustang, what should i do to him?


New Member
Feb 29, 2004
Well, my cars been in the front yard grass all week because our roof is being worked on.. needed their trucks in the driveway, plus i dont want stuff falling on it, i love it too much. anyways.

I came home at 4am last night, so i didnt notice. but this morning. i notice its in a different spot than where i parked it in the grass. not by much, but i noticed. My seat is moved. my electric water pump switch was left on... everything is dead now. and my spare keys were moved around on my nightstand. i remember where i left them.

I look under my hood. and theres coolant puddles everywhere. which means. they forgot the water pump for a while. ran it as hard as possible. The car got really hot, and it sprayed coolant everywhere everywhere.

Now. Im so pissed i could shoot him when he gets home. But i dont want to go to jail. By the way, he just turned 24 and he should know better than to do this.

I dont even know if the car is mechanically 100% still or not, since the battery is drained so much the LED in the switch panel wont even light up.

what do you think i should do to him to get him back? because i cant just let this fly.

So far i stole his glock 19 out of his room, it might be going to the pawn shop for whatever car repairs i might need.

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tell him u want some money to fix anything thats wrong with the car, either that or make him by u a new motor haha, lol be like because u did this now my blinker fluid is gone, that means my muffler bearings are completely SCREWED!!! and now u are going to buy me a new engine.. good luck with the punishment, thats messed up man!! hope the car isnt any worse
i know it was out too.


notice in this picture.
My mailbox (cut out you cant see). is to the right of the bike/car.
When i parked it. i reversed into the spot it sits, like the picture.
Today i saw tire tracks leading around the mailbox to where its parked.
i didnt go around the mailbox i reversed it:nono:

He doesnt have any money.
He doesnt even have his own car. he drives my dads truck


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niklid05 said:
While hes gone, cut his coolant lines run the piss out of his car, bring it home before it burns up and then let it sit with the lights on.....eye for an eye;)

...he doesnt have a car...

Careful with the whole gun thing, you if you sell it without all the paperwork and stuff and someone buys it and its used in some sort of crime it could be/will be traced back to your brother... I think you should just **** up all his stuff, ruin everything in his room, fill his toothpaste tube with KY or and just **** with everything u can find...piss in his cologne bottle and mix in some water if its a yellowish color like some is... :D
niklid05 said:
While hes gone, cut his coolant lines run the piss out of his car, bring it home before it burns up and then let it sit with the lights on.....eye for an eye;)

i think his brother dont havr a car. i think he users there dads truck.

what a bum :nonono:
dderek said:
what do you think i should do to him to get him back? because i cant just let this fly.So far i stole his glock 19 out of his room,

it might be going to the pawn shop for whatever car repairs i might need.

I've been looking for a glock 19, i'll buy it for 400 bucks!
Damn, this is messed. Me and my brother share all except two things: Our broads and our cars. That's just been an unwriten rule, but it's stronger than Steel. I don't touch the Cadillac. He doesn't go near the Stang. Str8 up no no. :nono:
poneypower89 said:
all pretty childish....

Make 100% sure of the truths behind ur accusations before doing anything.

im certain about the facts i pointed out. there wasnt any coolant anywhere last time i popped the hood.

im very protective of my car, nobody has driven it since i bought it. until now:shrug: